Friday, August 26, 2011

Tohoku's program: JYPE

Ok, so since I am not leaving 'till the 22nd... I don't really have very many interesting things to put in here.  So that why I'm trying to do some infomational posts because maybe there's a .45% chance someone finds this blog and wants to know more about the programs themselves...

I'll say that one of the reasons I want to go forward with this blog is because if it were not for someone else's blog in the same situation I am in, I wouldn't have even applied to this program.  My second year is when I found his blog, and he was at that point half way through the program that I will be leaving for this month.  Through reading everything he was doing and going back to read his previous posts, I was able to muster up the drive to apply.  So, on the off chance that someone does the same, I want to have some application and program info from my point of view.

So, specifically for Drexel, here is the link to my school's info page for this program.

That actually has a lot of really good info there.  Especially the timeframe for the program.  I am doing the full year program, while there is an option for just 1 semester.

Now, the program at Tohoku that I will be a part of is the JYPE program, or the Junior Year Program in English.  Here's the link to Tohoku's website for this program.

I'll give a little overview for the program.  Basically, there is one required course, "Individual Research Training," which is worth 5 credits there.  We have to take a minimum of 13 credits each term, so each term has 8 credits to fill.  This next class isn't REQUIRED... but it is required.  That is the Japanese language class.  Unless someone is fluent in Japanese, I have no idea why you wouldn't take this class.  They have 4 levels of Japanese, and you test in to see what level you are at before joining a class level.  This class is worth 4 credits, so basically you have 4 credits to play with each term.

Almost every other class is 2 credits, meaning that you have to choose at least 2 classes each term to go along with the research class and the Japanese class.  For my first term, I plan on taking Japanese Culture A, Mechanics of Materials, and System Dynamics.  So yes, an extra class.  But both of the mechanical classes are offered in the first term, and I really want to take advantage of the culture class as well.  My second term I am planning on taking Japanese Culture B, and Molecular and Cellular Biology.  There's not any engineering classes I need this term, so I'm knocking one of those annoying 300+ math/sci electives out of the way. 

The Culture classes I am taking are A&B,  but there is also a pair of classes, Japanese Culture C&D.  The A&B pair are more true to the name; actual culture classes including history, art, reading, etc.  The C&D pair are actually Aikido (a form of Japanese martial arts) classes, and are focused on learning Japanese culture through this martial art.

So thats a brief overview of the JYPE program.  If I think of anything else to post before I leave I'll be sure to get it down.  I'm just kinda getting ready to go over the next week, making sure I have things I'll need to bring.  And one thing I am truly, truly dreading... will be my final cheesesteak before I leave.  I have no idea how my tastebuds wills survive and ENTIRE year without the pure deliciousness that is a pizza steak from cart #2...

T-minus 27 days.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

So, what is GE3?

So, the program I am going through to study abroad is GE3 - Global Engineering Education Exchange.  Basically, the application opens in early January, and is due March 1st.  The application wasn't anything amazingly difficult, fairly standard.  It consisted of questions regarding language abililty and education level, had a few relatively short essays, and needed two recommendation letters.

One thing that I am not entirely sure on, is whether you NEED a specific school in mind for the application.  When I filled out the application to GE3, as well as my first meeting with Drexel's study abroad program in fact, I knew exactly where I wanted to go, and it was that school or nothing.  But when I think back to the application process, for some reason I feel like you could have several places in mind when you apply.  I believe IIE (will explain in a minute) contacts your school with information regarding what forgeign schools they are sending your application to.

Here's a list of all the schools that are part of this program.

The list is split up in two sections, but they are more or less the same with just one difference in how they work.  The left side is GE3, and run by IIE, the Institute of International Education.  Students of the GE3 schools can go to any school any school on either side of this list.  The right side of the list is GE4, the Global Education for European Engineers and Entrepreneurs.  Students of the GE4 schools can go to any school on the left half of the list.

That's as much general information that I can think of regarding GE3.  If anyone reads this and has any questions about the GE3 application or anything just shoot me an email.

T-minus 28 days 'till departure.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Starting with... an introduction.

So this is my very first attempt at blogging in any shape or form.  I'm not really sure where to start, but I think a simple introduction will suffice. Hi.  My name is Matt, I'm currently 21, and I live in Philadelphia.  The reason I am starting this blog is that I will be spending about 11 months studying abroad at Tohoku Univercity in Sendai, Japan, the Big Red Dot.  If the name of this city sounds familiar to you, it is most likely because Sendai was the closest major city in Japan to the epicenter of the earthquake on March 11, 2011.

I will be there for two semesters, and work in a lab on what I *believe* will be on the schools rescue robotics team. The reason behind why I say it that way will be explained in the next post or two when I post something up about the program I am studying abroad with - GE3.

How I envision what I want to do with this blog is to make a post every few days detailing different things about my experience.  Food, music, events, classes, cultural difference, etc.  I'll try to cover as much as I can.  I actually bought a new camera just for this trip, so hopefully I will be posting videos as well as plenty of photos.

Well I don't wanna write too much here, so as an introduction to me, I'll use this standard questionair I found somewhere online.

A-2-Z About Me Survey by bamachic49
Name: Matthew Guedon
Nickname(s): Matt
Age: 21
Birthday: December 30
Birthplace: Camden, NJ
Current Location: Philadelphia, PA
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'-7" 
Weight: 155 lb
Lefty or Righty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn (too lazy to check with my birthday are we?)
What Do You Drive: I have a Ford Focus and Kawasaki Ninja 250, both gonna be sold before I leave.
Screenname: N/A
Color: Blue
Number: 11
Band: Rise Against
Music Genre: Nothing really... so long as its not R&B or more hardcore rap, I can listen to it.
TV Show: Who knows... Breaking Bad or Human Target prolly.
Movie: Idk really... Shawshank Redemption, Forest Gump maybe.
Actor: No idea.
Actress: No idea either.
Kind of Movie: I most movie genres really... time and a place for them all.  No, I won't watch a romantic comedy by myself.
Cartoon: Rugrats?  Hey Arnold?  Rocket Power? Doug?  Way too many choices.
Sport: Baseball
Fast Food Restaurant: White Castle
Food: Maannnnnnnnn... definitely cheesesteak.
Ice Cream: Cookies N Cream!
Cereal: Fruity Pebbles
Candy: Reese's
Drink: WaWa Lemonade Iced Tea
Alcoholic Beverage: Sam Adams Irish Red
Quote: Tu Fockie.  (inside joke)
{---Do You---}
Have any siblings: 1 brother, 1 half brother, 1 step sister
Have any pets: Ceazar, a German Shepherd
Have a job: Working full time at an engineering firm till the Friday before I leave.
Have a cellphone: Yeah, who doesn't after they turn 16.
Have any special talents or skills: I am a very special person.
Have any fears: Doesn't everyone?
Have a bedtime: When I feel like sleeping.
Sing in the shower: Sometimes I hum.
Want to go to college: I already do.
Get along with your parents: Well enough.
Have any piercings: None.
Have any tattoos: One on my right shoulder.
Swear: More than I should prolly.
Smoke: Nope
Drink: Yep
Do Drugs: Negative
{---Love & All That Crap---}
Ever been in love: Maybe
Ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend: No
Are you single: Yes
Are you in a relationship: Look up a cm, no.
Do you have a crush on someone: Don't think so.
Ever been dumped: Yeah
Ever dumped someone: No
{---This or That---}
Fruit or Vegetable: Fruit, apples rock.
Black or White: Once you go...
Lights On or Lights Off: On
TV or Movie: Depends on the situation.
Car or Truck: Car
Cash or Check: Cash
Rock or Rap: Rock
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate cake, Vanilla ice cream
French Toast or French Fries: Fries
Strawberries or Blueberries: Blueberries
Cookies or Muffins: Muffinsssssssssss
Winter Break or Spring Break: Winter Break. Skiing is awesome.
Hugs or Kisses: With who?
{---Have You Ever---}
Danced in a public place: Don't think so.
Smiled for no reason: Sure, I think that's normal.
Laughed so hard you cried: All the time, I love comedy movies.
Talked to someone you don't know: Is it possible not to?
Drank alcohol: Yes
Done drugs: Nah
Partied 'til the sun came up: Prolly once or twice.
Gotten a ticket: Yes, cops around here are terrible.
Been arrested: Nope, thank god.
Been convicted of a crime: Can you without being arrested?
Been in a wreck: Nope.
Been out of the country: Yeah, around North America.  So this will be totally different.
{---Random & Silly Junk---}
Are you a virgin: No
Ever TP'd someone's house: Negative
Ever egged someone's house: Does anyone do that anymore?
How many languages do you speak: 1 fluently. I'm working on Japanese now.
Who do you compare yourself to: Jesus!  No really, I don't know.  I compare myself to myself yesterday and my picture of myself tomorrow.
Ever regret anything: Yeah, I guess we all have.
Do you like being tickled: God I hate it.
What are your goals: Right now, make the most of my year in Japan, educationally, culturally, and socially.
Are your fingers tired: Nah, I type a lot.
Are you tired of this survey: Nope, I woulda stopped a while ago if I was.
Are you happy: Sure, a year and a half of planning and applying will all be worth it in about a month.

Thanks for reading.  Hopefully I can get some readers here so that this will be worth the effort and work I plan on putting into it.